Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The day I disabled Google Buzz

Today I finally disabled Google Buzz. Why? Coz I read the following conversation on it.

A: crashing
B: what happened?
A: Tried to sleep but could not.

I felt stupid for reading that conversation and I had done that just because Google Buzz said 3 unread messages. Anyways got rid of the idiotic thing now. I guess I could be much more productive if I deleted my facebook account. But I guess I should start off experimenting with it. Like not using facebook during the week etc etc.

Anyways, back to the ever existent homework.


Anonymous said...

Facebook is sometimes the only way I know that you are alive. Plus its not as bad as buzz.

Shantanu said...

Totally agree! FB is good, Buzz, orkut, even twitter are pretty irritating!

mili said...

first comments on my blog...dint see them till today !