Sunday, October 7, 2012

Nook and the reading experience.

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Thanks to my cousin's Nook and a depressed state that lasted for 3 complete days, finished two good books.  Wild by Cheryl Strayed and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Both are stories of great suffering and how the protagonists pull themselves through extremely difficult situations. 
I have intersected the PCT on two of my hikes and met a few amazing people actually doing the PCT. After I finished the book, I looked around and found a copy of the PCT guide in my book shelf. I want to hike the California part of the PCT at some point of time in my life. I think before I attempt to do that may be I should go on a few week long backpacking trips and see how I feel. I think what captivated me was the way Cheryl put her emotions out bluntly. The way she explains her self destruction. I think it takes a lot of courage and solitude to analyze one's self destruction which is what she attempts to do in the book. Whenever I try to analyze something that has gone wrong with me, my mind just shuts down and refuses to cooperate. 
What do I take away with Unbroken? The value of human dignity!

Next up : The power of habit by Charles Duhigg.


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