Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oops I did it again!

I have these phases when I just sleep. No I'm not depressed when I do that. I just do that. I continue sleeping and I don't do anything the entire day. I can sleep for more than 24 hours. Unless something forces me to get out of bed, I can go on for up to 48 hours. And that something has to be some commitment that I made to someone else.

Every time I do something like that I say to myself, I won't repeat that and yet I keep doing that once in a while. I did it again yesterday. This time I did not turn in a homework, cancelled a dinner with a couple of friends and did not check my mail in time to go for badminton practice. What was I doing? Sleeping most of the time. Eating bagels all day long. Reading Ramayana the little time that I was awake. Yeah you read it right, reading The Ramayana. These days I seem to enjoy reading it very much. If sleeping all day long is senseless, reading the Ramayana adds to the comedy that's my life. When all of this comes back to bite me, I bet its going to be very painful.

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