Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My sister turns 29

and it makes me think how far she has come.  I am really happy for her.  She has built a life for herself without making much noise. She married the guy that she loves. For many it might seem a no big deal. Coming from an orthodox background as ours, it is a big deal. Especially when my family least expected any sort of surprises from my sister. She has a son, Rithvik, who is almost 2 months old. She is back to working at HP.  She is one of the most genuinely nice people that I know. (there aren't many I know and I wouldn't give even my mom that tag). We are as different as siblings can ever get. I do not agree with her on most issues but I love her nonetheless.
Cheers to my sister and to her silent ways of doing things!

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