Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Murder of the person, who had to be just killed.

Okay, so the world hails the death of Bin Laden. We go on about how cool the Navy Seals are and so on. But seriously.....

That is how I started my post when I first saw the news article in The Hindu, when the honorable home minister, P.Chidambaram iterated the fact that Dawood Ibrahim is in Karachi, Pakistan. He was urging the international community to bring Pakistan to hand him over to India. That article truly enraged me. I never had such strong reaction to a political news in the recent times. Here we are hailing Obama, Navy Seals and all those responsible for killing Osama but after days of thinking about it, I have come to the conclusion that what they have done is WRONG. Yes, I am saying that killing Osama, the way they have done is wrong. To make myself clear, I am not saying killing Osama is wrong. I don't mind killing him unarmed, shooting him in the head. I am cool with even torturing him to death in the worst possible manner. I think Dawood Ibrahim ought to be killed. As much as Osama deserved to be killed. But could we just go into Pakistan and launch an operation in Karachi to kill him? Of course not. Why could the US do it? If the explanation is that its the only way we could have caught him, well wouldn't the world be in chaos if every country did that to its 'top military enemies'?

Anyways, before I came across the article I had no opinion about the killing of Osama. Now I do. Every country got to abide by the international laws. Yeah, even the US. Even if its Osama in question.