Monday, March 21, 2011

Dhobi Ghat

Long over due and done.
I wouldn't have enjoyed the movie had I seen it with anybody else. Watching it alone makes perfect sense (to me at least).
What do I think about the movie? To me its a movie about obsession. Not about Bombay. Not about the immigrant issue. To me its purely about obsession with people. To me the movie wouldn't have changed much if it were in Chennai or SF. I have not seen a better ending in recent times. I am in fact love with the ending. Its powerful. The ending makes me feel as if the entire movie had to be there to build up the ending and that it couldn't have been given justice had the entire story not been narrated. The story builds up the obsession for each one of the lead characters and how it ends (?) for each one of them. For Munna, it ends with liberation. For Arun, it meets a tragic end. For Shai, well it continues because she chooses it to.
The director puts in subtle things into the movie without letting them distract the viewer from the main plot. The booty calls made by Munna to the rich fat woman, Arun's affair with his art manager, dignity of labor well respected by Shai are what come to my mind when I think of them.
Anyways, a good movie after a long time. Makes me think I should have blogged about the earlier movies. Talking about movies, Cat People, to put it subtly, one of its kind! and Talking about one of its kind kind of movies, Being John Malkovich - Whoa.
Dhobhi Ghat - 5 stars.

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